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Available in different heights (3 Elements – 4 Elements – 5 Elements), thanks to their geometry they present a remarkable flexibility of use, and allow a specific equipment air flow from 33.84 m3/h/equipment up to 118.44 m3/h/equipment to be insufflated.
The use of Helixor Medium Bubble Diffuser allows to perform different processes such as aerobic treatment, biological treatment, anaerobic treatment, slurry mixing, sludge mixing inside the tanks and the basins where they are installed.
Helixor diffuers were used for the TREATMENT of EFFLUENTS of Civil Installations, Consortium Plants and Industrial Plants of various Industries with different polluting loads.
In order to guarantee a stable and controlled operation of the anaerobic digestion process and to obtain the complete mixing of the digester, a Forced and Controlled Mixing of the sludge contained within the Digester is necessary.
The use of the Mixing System Bio-Gas by PE guarantees the achievement of these goals
The Bio-Gas by PE Mixing System consists of some main components such as BIOGAS DIFFUSERS, Pipes and an appropriate Pumping Station.
Once defined the Main Characteristics of the Application – Volume, Sludge Flow, Digestor Geometry, process to be used – the proper DIFFUSERS for BIOGAS are chosen and their disposition to be used in the digestor is defined.
Suitably fitted inside the ANAEROBIC DIGESTER, the BIOGAS DIFFUSERS send the gaseous stream inside the DIGESTER and mix the contained sludge.
Thanks to their pumping and mixing capacity, there are no longer preferential paths for the Bio-Gas produced and, consequently, the uniformity of the anaerobic process is achieved within the Digester.
The Bio-Gas by PE Mixing System is used in DIFFERENT DIGESTION PROCESSES as the processes involving PRIMARY DIGESTION (Primary Digestion Stage), SECONDARY DIGESTION (Secondary Disgestion Stage) and MIXED PROCESSES (in which both stages are used)
The Bio-Gas by PE Mixing System is used in DIFFERENT PROCESS SEQUENCES such as IN-SERIES process, PARALLEL process and RECIRCULATION process (with one or more recirculations). In addition to these, pre-heating and/or heat recovery stages can be provided to be integrated with other areas of the plant, where the Anaerobic Treatment is present.
The Bio-Gas by PE Mixing System can be installed in plants using Digestors with Fixed Roof and/or in systems that use Digestors with floating roof.
The Bio-Gas by PE Mixing System can be installed either in new plants either in existing plants where it is necessary to perform a revamping (replacement) and / or an up-grading (improvement) for process requirements and/or production needs.
The Bio-Gas by PE Mixing System has a LONG USEFUL LIFE and NO NEED MAINTENANCE.
The Jet-Helix diffuser has an HIGH OXYGEN TRANSFER (from 0.91 Kg /h/Apparatus up to 5.10 Kg/h/ Apparatus) and an HIGH MECHANICAL RESISTANCE.
The Jet-Helix diffuser DOES NOT REQUIRE MAINTENANCE and has a LONG USEFUL LIFE (> 25 Years) allowing, therefore, to minimize the running costs.
“The use of Medium Fine Bubble Jet-Helix diffusers allows to perform different processes such as aerobic treatment, biological treatment, anaerobic treatment, slurry mixing, sludge mixing including slurry treatment with high COD, BOD and / or high suspended solids”
The Jet-Helix diffusers have been used for the TREATMENT of EFFLUENTS of various industries, such as paper mills, tanneries, food processing industry, chemical industry, food industry, galvanic industry, rubber industry, petrochemical industry, slaughterhouses, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, refineries, sugar mills.
This flexibility of use is due to the fact that the Jet-Helix diffusers are the only ones to allow the treatment of sewage with elevated Suspension Solids and with high COD and/or BOD values (high pollutant load).
The helier structured packing is a structured filling body for carrying out Mass Transfer Operations (MTO) such as Absorption, Desorption, Stripping, Distillation and Washing in appropriate Columns, dedicated Towers and Process Equipment characterized by Liquid/Liquid, Gas/Liquid , Liquid/Gas, Solid/Liquid exchange and similar exchange type.
“The structured packing beds – hSP are formed by helier fills available in DIFFERENT DIAMETERS (1″/ 1,5” / 4 “/ 12″) and in DIFFERENT MATERIALS such as PP (polypropylene), HDPP (High resistance Polypropylene), Moplen, PPS (Poly-phenyl-sulphonate) and SPECIAL MATERIALS.”
Based on the Working and Design Conditions, we proceed to size the the structured packing – hSP that meets the application and to choose the Diameter of the Packing, the Diameter of the Package, the Length of the Package and the the Construction Materials
For the sizing of the application, we use the helier simulation software, a simulation software developed in cooperation with the University of Pisa.
The helier simulation software uses the Mathematical Model that interpolates the experimental data obtained from the Industrial Experimentation carried out by the University of Pisa.
The structured beds – hSP are ideal for operations with Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Ammonia (NH3)
Therefore for all exchange operations characterised by mass transfer resistance, in which the resistance is in the gas phase and/or in the liquid phase.
The structured packing beds – hSP are applied in the PROCESS UNITS of DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES such as Food Industry, Chemical Industry, Gas & Power, Petrochemical Industry, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical Industry, Refineries, Oil Processing for Unitary Exchange Operations, minimizing pressure drops and maximizing the efficiency of the exchange process.
Thanks to their flexibility of use, the lack of a speed of flooding and their modularity of construction, the structured packing beds – hSP also used in PARTICULAR EQUIPMENT such as Deaerator Towers in the Cogeneration Plants, Deaerator Towers in Steam Production Plants, Structured Bed Fermenters, Structured Bed Reactors, Apparatus for the Microorganisms Growth on Structured Beds
Furthermore, the helier structured packing beds – hSP are used in all those SPECIAL EQUIPMENT where it is necessary to provide a specific exchange surface, the internal mix and the high liquid and/or gas exchange coefficients to obtain the required process
This flexibility of use is due to the fact that the Jet-Helix diffusers are the only ones to allow the treatment of sewage with elevated Suspension Solids and with high COD and/or BOD values (high pollutant load).
The Jet-Mixing Static Mixers are Structured Static Mixers using Structured Beds built with the helier structured packing system.
The use of Struttured beds built with helier – hSP – allows to mix in line and in continuous every type of fluid, Newtonian, non-Newtonian, tensioplastic, high viscosity, organic, inorganic …. and to handle any flow.
The Jet-Mixing – Structured Static Mixers with helier – are characterized by the diameter of the helier packing used (Dpack), by the No. of Columns per section (NCOL), by the No. of helier elements used per unit of (NEL) and by the equivalent diameter (DEq).
Thanks to the particular geometry and the high specific exchange area guaranteed by the helier structured packing (namely 50 ÷ 320 m2/m3), the Jet-Mixing Mixers have an EXCELLENT DEGREE of MIXING and VERY LOW PRESSURE LOSSES.
Since the helier structured packing does not present any flooding velocity, the Jet-Mixing Static Mixers can operate with ANY CONDITION of FLOW, both mass and volume.
The smallest unit: JM 1” – 1 X 9
The biggest equipment: JM 12” – 7 X 21
“The Jet-Mixing Structured Static Mixers are used in DIFFERENT PROCESSES such as the MIXING and/or the DOSAGE and/or the ADDITIVITY and/or the DEODORIZATION and/or the NEUTRALIZATION of PROCESS FLUIDS, according to the Process Specifications, to the Mechanical Specifications and to the P & I of the Application requested.”
The Jet-Mixing Static Mixers can handle ANY TYPE of FLUIDS, including:
Acetic Acid, Petrol, Butane, C3 Extraction, C4 Extraction, Hydrogen, N2 Injection, Kerosene, Ammine Water Washing, Feed Mixer, FW Mixer, Furfural, LNG Mixer, MTBE, Sludge Mixer, NaOH, Acid Neutralization, Soda Neutralization, Oxygenation , Sodium Chlorine Solution, C3 Cutting with Amines, WFO.
“Thanks to their characteristics and their flexibility of use, the Jet-Mixing Structured Static Mixers are used in DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES, such as Environment, Water Purification, Chemical Industry, Food Industry, Gas and Power, Rubber Industry, Process Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Energy, Petrochemicals, Petroleum and Oil Refining.”
Codes and Construction Standards
DESIGN CODES and CONSTRUCTION RULES include ASME B.31.3, ASME B.16.5, calculations according to the PED … Nace standard
EACH APPARATUS belonging to the Category of SPE – Special Process Equipment is unique and COMPLIANT to the SPECIFIC APPLICATION requested by the Customer for which it is specially designed and built.
Content purposely prepared by GLP – Giovanni Luca Petrillo – for PE – Process Engineering S.r .l.
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