Rubber Thread Chemicals

PE – Process Engineering – Engineered Products & Smart Technologies

Chemicals and Production of Rubber Thread

To produce natural rubber thread from natural latex it is necessary to use rubber chemicals, the PRC – Chimici Gomma , that serve in the various stages of the production process to prepare the COMPONENTS required for the PRODUCTION of the thread such as DISPERSION SOLUTIONS and PARTS of the MIXES: the Inizial Mix / COMPOUND, the Mix / COMPOUND necessary for the Thread EXTRUSION

Rubber Thread

Importance of Chemicals in the production of Rubber Thread

The Chemical Products used in the production of Rubber Thread and of Natural Latex Products are the determining factor in influencing the Final Properties of the Finished Product.

The use of chemical products characterized by chemical-physical properties that do not comply with the standards required in the production of rubber thread and / or characterized by having chemical-physical specifications less restrictive than what is necessary for a correct production of the rubber thread causes various problems duirng production.

In addition to generating quality problems and / or product non-conformities, these production problems cause the clogging of the extruder, the breakages of the threads at different stages of the production process, difficulties in the extrusion due to an inappropriate mixture, mechanical parameters not in accordance with and below the standards, incorrect module values, non-constant module, lack of elongation, differences in the shape of the thread, variation of the properties of the finished product.

For Rubber Thread Manufacturers, the manifestation of these events and production problems involves the increase in processing waste, the need to change machine parameters, the reduction of productivity, the increase of energy consumption, the increase of the second choice (2nd choice) and the increase of the incidence of non-compliant finished product.

For Rubber Thread Consumers, the happening of production problems during Rubber Thread Production will cause the increase in production waste, the need to change machine parameters, the increase of the incidence of non-compliant finished product, up to having even to suspend production or to discard the whole lot of their finished product.

The use of Chemical Products characterized by chemical-physical properties that do not comply with the standards, and with chemical-physical specifications lower than the standards required in the production of Rubber Thread causes quality problems and non-compliance throughout all the supply chain and the chain of Rubber Thread Industry: the Producer, the User of Rubber Thread, the Final Customer that uses the finished product containing the product manufactured by the User of Rubber Thread.

Law of Mass Conservation

The above is in perfect agreement with the Law of Mass Conservation, according to which:
<< in a reaction, the sum of the reagent masses is equal to the sum of the masses of the products >>

better enunciated as:

<< in a chemical reaction nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed >>
or better known among processists as:
IN = OUT << What comes in comes out >>
According to the principle of mass conservation, the use of non-conforming Chemical Products with chemical-physical specifications lower than the required standards involves the production of a finished product that does not comply with the standards.
Different Finished Products / Different Recipes / Different Chimicald to be used
The CHEMICALS USED in the PRODUCTION of NATURAL RUBBER THREAD change according to the TYPE OF PRODUCT to be manufactured and depend on many factors, such as:
  • the chemical-physical properties of the finished product – RUBBER THEAD RIBBONS
  • the mechanical properties of the finished product – RUBBER THEAD RIBBONS
  • the production of HIGH MODULE RUBBER THREAD
  • the production of FOOD GRADE RUBBER THREAD
For each TYPE of FINISHED PRODUCT there is a SPECIFIC PRODUCTION RECIPE which reports the CHEMICAL PRODUCTS to be used for the production of that specific product.


The PRC – CHIMICI per GOMMA are the chemicals products PE – Process Engineering can supply for:

  • Latex preparation
  • preparation of Compounds for Latex Products from Natural Rubber
  • RUBBER THREAD production
  • production of HIGH MODULUS (HM) Rubber Thread
  • production of FOOD GRADE (FG) Rubber Thread
  • production of Rubber Thread with PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS (Special)

Features: FIRST CHOICE – High Standards

All the products belonging to the List of PRC – CHIMICI GOMMA and supplied by PE are FIRST CHOICE ingredients:
  • The values of the parameters and of the chemical-physical properties respond to HIGH STANDARDS.
  • The specifications they must meet are VERY RESTRICTIVE SPECIFICATIONS in terms of purity, reaction capacity, activity, dispersion capacity.
  • These specifications make it possible to MEET STANDARDS as required by the RECIPES, by the Know-How and by the process conditions of the RT Plant by PE for the production of High Quality Rubber Thread.

Rubber Thread: High Module (HM) and FOOD GRADE (FG)

Specific Products and SPECIAL RECIPES have been developed for the production of HIGH MODULE Rubber Thread (HM) and FOOD GRADE Rubber Thread (FG) such as to satisfy, on the one hand, the specifications of the Customer / User of the finished product and, on the other, to satisfy the needs of the Producer together with the ones of the Rubber Thread production process.

Rubber Thread: Special

Rubber Thread with PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS – Special – is engineered and developed on the basis of the specifications request coming from the customer / end user with regard to the finished product required. This is a backward process whose validation also includes research and development (R & D) activities divided into various phases, such as Bibliographic Activities, Laboratory Testing, Workshop Analysis, Laboratory Tests untill the testing on the Pilot Plant. This research and development (R & D) activity is not only internal to PE but also external, in certified laboratories and research centers.

Available Products

The available chemicals range from Acetic Acid (the coagulant agent for rubber thread extrusion) up to Talcum (very fine powder of talc), including, also, the various laboratory chemicals required for the Analysis and Quality Controls to be done during the production of the Rubber Thread to comply with the REQUIRED STANDARDS for the Finished Product, such as the British Standards Institution, the American National Standards, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Oekotex Standard 100 and the FDA.
PE – Process Engineering

PRC – CHIMICI per GOMMA: List of available products

The List of the PRC – CHIMICI per GOMMA contains accelerators, agents that facilitate the dispersion of powders, agents to modify the compounds, antioxidants, bases for the preparation of the components, bases for the preparation of the emulsions, colorants, and, of course, vulcanization agents which are used in the production of Latex Products and, in particular, in the production of Rubber Thread.

Consultancy – Particular Requests

For Products not included in the LIST and / or for PARTICULAR REQUESTS you can count on OUR CONSULTING.
Logistics and Supply
Delivery and Transportation WORLDWIDE


content prepared by GLP – Giovanni Luca Petrillo – for PE – Process Engineerng


The wording PRC – CHIMICI per GOMMA was invented and designed by GLP to which the related intellectual property rights are recognized.


The graphic content of the brand PRC – CHIMICI per GOMMA has been conceived, invented and realized by GLP, to which the related intellectual property rights are recognized.

If you have any questions let us know

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