Aeration Package

Aeration Oxidation and Mixing
Aeration Package


Applied in the Process Industry to treat waste water coming from Manufacturing Plant, the Aeration Package is an Industrial Supply .

The Aeration Package is applied in the Aeration Basin and in the Oxygenation Tank of the Waste Water Treatment Plants.

The Aeration Package is a Package Supply, whose Bill Of Material is defined in accordance to 

Process Specification

Client Specification

Material Specification

Type of Wastes to be Treated

Material Requisition, MR

Aeration Package


Aeration Package
How we build

Once the Main Design and the Bill Of Material are approved, the construction of the Aeration Package starts in accordance to Process Specification and Design Codes.

The Aeration Package is built in workshop following construction drawings pouposely prepared.

Air piping is pre-assembled in the workshop.

Construction materials and workshop manufacturing are continuously monitorized: in this way traceability is guaranteed.