HC - helieR Columns

PE – Process Engineering – Engineered Products & Smart Technologies
HC - helieR Columns

Packed Columns

Columns and Plants for Mass Transfer Operation such as Absorption, Desorption, Stripping, Distillation and … Similar.

The use of the helier Structured Packing – hSP permits the realization of

Structured Columns for Mass Transfer

characterized by :

High Transfer Efficiency

Low Pressure Drops

Reduced Fouling

Reduced Column Dimension

the lowest Column Operating Cost

HC - helieR Columns

Range of Application

The helier Columns – hC can be successfully applied in the process plants for Mass Transfer Operations , such as :

Liquid / Liquid Operation

Gas / Liquid Operation

NOx Absorption



Washing with Solvent


Distillation with Solvent

Extraction and separation

Extraction and separation with solvent


Recovery of organic substances

HC - helieR Columns

helier Book : Main Properties of Structured Columns with helier

The helier Book describes the complete path that led to the characterization of the Main Properties of Structured Columns with helier to be applied in the Mass Transfer Operations.
In particular, the helier Book reports the information and the results obtained :

  • during the Experimental Activity conducted at the University of Pisa to characterize the base properties of the helier packing;
  • from the Experimental Test executed at the University of Pisa to determine the Properties and the Operation of Industrial Structured Columns with helier;
  • the Model of Calculation / Simulation developed in collaboration with the team of Prof Nardini, Prof Paglianti and Dott.ssa Brunazzi;
  • the Scientific Articles published in scientific journals by the team of Prof Paglianti and Prof Nardini, as a result of their research activities in Mass Transfer Operations.

helier Book

helier Book - Chap 1

helier Book - Chap 2

helier Book - Chap 2

helier Book - Chap 2

helier Book - Chap 2

HC - helieR Columns

Complete Package

The helier Columns – hC are COMPLETE PACKAGE that optimize the use of the helier Structured Packing – hSP in the Mass Transfer Operation for which they are chosen.

The Package include  :

  • the optimization of the mass transfer process
  • the supply of the proper column/columns fot the application
  • the Plant Utilities pumps,ricicling pumps, compressor , blowers … … whatever needed to the operation
  • the supply of regulation (valves, flow meters …)
  • the Process Utilities if required (compred air, vapour … heat exchangers )
  • the supply of controls (Temperature, Pressure … PLC)
  • the Power Panels for the Plant Utilities
  • the Control Panel to control and regulate the Column / Package
  • the PLC & Software System  to Control, Regulate , Manage and Synchronize with the Data Storage System of the operation parameters

for the good operation of the system .

Internals Specific Pressure Drops per Transfer Unit
HC - helieR Columns

Main Features

The helier Columns – hC have :

► a High Efficiency

► the Lowest Operating Cost

► the Lowest Production Cost per Transfer Unit

the Lowest Operating Cost for Absorption Columns

These properties have been duly documented by the Industrial Research done by the University of Pisaand by the consequent scientific bibliography edited, such as :

A) “ An Economic Analysis on Packed Columns for Absorption ”
B)  “ Performance of Absorption Columns Equipped with Low Pressure Drops Structured Packing ”
C) “ Absorption of Nitrogen Oxides in Columns Equipped with Low Pressure Drop Structured Packing ”
D) “ Studio Teorico Sperimentale sui Riempimenti Tipo Jet-Helix ”

The above Scientific Articles have been published in magazines and major institutions such as  :

A) La Chimica e L’Industria
B) Industrial Engineering & Chemical Research
C) Chem. Biochem. Eng
D) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica – Università di Pisa.

All the results of the Industrial Experimentation and Testing done by the University of Pisa by the team of Prof Nardini, Prof Paglianti and Dott.ssa Brunazzi are reported in the helier Book .

HC - helieR Columns

Industrial Application

Between the various Industrial Application where the helier Column – hC – can be successfully applied, we indicate :

Stripping Operation

– Ammonia NH3
– Carbon Dioxide CO2
– Hydrogen Sulphite H2S
– Organic Solvents BTEX, MTBE …

Absorption Operations

– Acid Substances and Pollutants
– Basic Substances and Pollutants
– Organic Substances
– Obnoxious Substances
– Water Soluble Substances


– Separation with Solvent
– Separation with Organic Solvent such as Furfural or similar ones

Up-grading of existing plants

Revamping of existing Plants

HC - helieR Columns

Special Package - AA Purification

AA Purification Plant

for the recovery, the Purification and the Distillation of Acetic Acid from Waste Waters with a Dilute Solution of Acetic Acid.

The use of the helier – Structured Packing permitted to upgrade the Purification Process , without applying costly and complicated plants solutions.
The efficiency has been increased so far so that a recovery higher than 80% of the Acetic Acid available in the waste water coming from the production process before the AA Purification Plant has been obtained.
The recovered Acetic Acid is reutilized again in the production process before the AA Purification unit , so providing the :

  • abatement of the production cost
  • reduction of environmental pollution
the Lowest Operating Cost for Absorption Columns
HC - helieR Columns

Design of the helier Columns

Each helier Column – hC must be designed in function of :

the application

the working conditions

the Client specifications

using the proper helier simulation software helier – Adsorption 3.0 , “helier – desorption 2.5 , purposely developed in cooperation with the University of Pisa .

The helier simulation softwares apply a model that interpolates the results of the Industrial Experimentation and Testing done on this Technology.

For more details, consult the helier Book.

HC - helieR Columns

Dimensions and Materials

Between the various Industrial Application where the helier Column – hC – can be successfully applied, we indicate :


The helier Columns can have an internal nominal diameter between 0,2 m and 2,2 m .

Values of the Internal Nominal Diameter above this range determine the belonging of the helier Column – hC to the category of special applications

With regard to the manufacturing materials, the columns can be made using various types of steels although our preference goes to stainless steel AISI.

Regarding the material of internals and structured packing, the hSP internals can be made with different plastic materials, such as HDPE, HDPP, PS, MOPLEN, PPS, which are chosen depending on the application.
However, we prefer to use the PPS.

These choices permit us to cover a wide range of application in terms of :

- Temperature resistance
- Corrosion resistance
- Pressure resistance
- Special Applications – in terms of dimensions and materials – are also available.


Special Applications , in terms of dimensions and materials , are also available.

Special Applications are defined according to the process conditions that, generally, are connected with Temperature, the Pressure, the Resistance to corrosion and the type of fluids that pass through the structured columns.

In all these cases :


The selection of cthe onstruction materials for the column and for the various components of the package is made in order to respect the ASME, Nace, PED, ASME B 31.5 and ASME B 41.5 design codes.

Special materials such as Hastelloy , Inconel , different Alloy types for the construction of the structured columns helier Column – hC are available, when applicable.

► METALLIC INTERNALS – what new from 2019

Since 2019, we propose the use of hSP structured packing made in metals for the construction of structured packing beds to be inserted in the structured columns helier Columns – hC

HC - helieR Columns

An Example : TAF project - BTEX and MTBE Removal in Refinery

the Lowest Operating Cost for Absorption Columns