Hainan JINGWEI: Cheng Mai – RT Plant by PE been commissioned

On June 17th, 2011, the commissioning of the RT Plant by PE is successfully completed at the factory Hainan Jingwei Latex Rubber Thread Co. Ltd. the first

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production Plant

all around China.

Process Engineering S.r.l. Italian company leader in Rubber Thread supplied the main equipment, 100% made in Italy, and related  services  included in the international tender of the project

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production

Bidding Number = 0612-0940T0060036

pe_process won on April 29th, 2009,

The full cooperation of Hainan Jingwei’s technical staff made the commissioning of extrusion lines a full success.

Having chosen PE Technology for Rubber Thread Manufactruing, Hainan JINGWEI is the first and unique

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Plant

in China, nowadays the first consuming market