Export from Vietnam – 1st Rubber Thread container delivered

VRG SA DO Rubber Thread

Export from Vietnam – 1st Rubber Thread container delivered


Today Mr Petrillo – CEO of Process Engineering – checked the delivery of the FIRST CONTAINER manufactured by VRG SA DO and EXPORTED to France

This container is the first one exported by the Vietnamese producer VRG SA DO Rubber Thread utilizing the technology supplied by PE – Process Engineering and manufactured in the new factory RT Plant by PE – Dong Nai Plant

As agreed during the inauguration ceremony in front of Vietnamese and Italian authorities, PE – Process Engineering – is supporting the sales of VRG SA DO Rubber Thread

First result is this container bought by an old customer who has known Mr. Petrillo for a long time appreciating his professionalism and experience

In addition to technical assistance and post-sale activities after the commissioning of the plant, PE – Process Engineering it is helping the Vietnamese manufacturer to export its products, opening new markets to the Vietnamese producer


RT Plant by PE – Dong Nai Plant

Made by Process – Made in Italy

The official press release of the Farnesina reports the opening of rubber thread plant made by PE – Process Engineering

Process Engineering has entered the annals of the success cases listed by the Italian Government


La Farnesina – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – has issued an official statement in which it is reported that Process EngineeringPE – has carried out the opening of the Rubber Thread Production Plant in Vietnam
RT Plant by PE – Dong Nai Plant
This plant – entirely with Italian technology and with machinery completely built in Italy – was delivered to the Vietnamese client – VRG SA DO Rubber Thread JSC – SA DO – who, as reported by official diplomatic sources, invested 30 ML of US for the initial project phase, only.
Waiting for the Vietnamese Customer – VRG SA DO Rubber Thread JSC – to honor the agreements and respect what was expressed during the INAUGURATION CERIMONY in front of the institutional representatives of the Italian Government, we take this opportunity to thank all the people and, in particular, the operational staff of the Italian institutions present in Vietnam. These people not only supported PEProcess Engineering in the various order phases, but also provided their full collaboration and gave their support for the organization of the INAUGURATION CERIMONY through the channels of international cooperation of the Italian Government.


SA DO Contract – II Shipment Inspected at Genova Port

Today the Inspector by BV – Bureau Veritas Italy – completed at the Port of Genoa the Inspection of the cases of the SECOND SHIPMENT, before their loading into containers.

Qualified personnel will stow the cases in 13 Containers which will be then loaded in the ship for the shipment by sea

Rubber Thread Plant: International BID won in Vietnam with SA DO

Process Engineering S.r.l. – PE – announced that it has been awarded with the international bid relating to 2 (two) rubber thread production lines in Vietnam by

V.R.G SA DO Rubber Thread, JSC
(“SA DO”)


The manufacturing installation of SA DO is in Thong Nhat, Dong Nai Province

The factory RT Plant by PE – Dong Nai Plant bought by SA DO is the FIRST FACILITY for the production of Natural Latex Rubber Thread in Vietnam and throughout the Indochina region

Once again the Italian technology of the RT Plant by PE has WON the competition and was the FIRST to open a new market, proving that

PE Technology is Worldwide Leader in Rubber Thread Technology 

Continue reading “Rubber Thread Plant: International BID won in Vietnam with SA DO” »

SA DO Contract: 2nd SHIPMENT

The Last Case of the 2nd SHIPMENT regarding SA DO Contract finally has just been loaded on the Truck .

This Truck is the Last Truck of the 2nd SHIPMENT and will go to Genova Port , where all the cases of 2nd SHIPMENT has been collected in the Terminal Port.Containers loading will be executed after the Inspection of the Cases at Terminal Board.

The Final Loading of the Ship will be done after the Inspection of the Cases at Terminal Board and before departure of 2nd SHIPMENT for SA DO to Vietnam.

Hainan Jingwei : Rubber Thread Plant Commissioning executed by PE – Process Engineering

Hainan Jingwei: Commissioning of the two production lines for  << High Quality Latex Rubber Thread >>

On June 17th, 2011, the commissioning of the two lines was successfully completed at the factory of Hainan Jingwei Latex Rubber Thread Co. Ltd. , being the first

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production Plant

all around China.

The factory RT Plant by PE – Cheng Mai bought by Hainan Jingwei Latex Rubber Thread Co Ltd is the FIRST FACILITY for the production of High Quality Natural Latex Rubber Thread in China.


Once again the Italian technology of the RT Plant by PE has WON the competition proving that PE Technology is Worldwide Leader in Rubber Thread Technology

The Italian company PE Process Engineering S.r.l. supplied the main equipment, made in Italy, and the related technology after winning on April 29th, 2009, the international tender for the project

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production

Bidding Number = 0612-0940T0060036””

launched by Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation.


The full cooperation of Hainan Jingwei’s technical staff made the commissioning of both lines a full success.



the first plant in China

applying Italian technology for the production of

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread


  • running

  • at full production

  • at regime

International BID Won – Winner Certificate

High Quality Rubber Thread Production Line – Winner Certificate received from GUANDONG TENDERING CORPORATION

In accordance with the Public Notice and the Announcement to the Public officially published by the Bidding Company on April 29th  2009 the last , PE – Process Engineering has received from Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation , i.e. the Bidding Company

<< the Official Winner Certificate dated 15th May 2009 , duly signed and stamped >>

for the Bidding Project of

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production Line

Bidding Number = 0612-0940T0060036



GUANDONG TENDERING CORPORATION : for << High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production Line >> the Winner is PE Process Engineering S.r.l.

In accordance with the Public Notice and the Announcement to the Public officially published by the Bidding Company on April 29th  2009 the last , Process Engineering is proud to inform the Worldwide Market of Rubber Thread and the Rubber Industry in general the result for the BID held by

Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation , i.e. the Bidding Company

for the Bidding Project of

High Quality Latex Rubber Thread Production Line

Bidding Number = 0612-0940T0060036

After the submission of the Bidding Documents, prepared by PE in accordance with the specifications and the requests of the BID , the Bidding Company has proceeded to evaluate the Technical Documents , the Commercial Documents and the Clarifications asked by the Bidding Company during the completion of the evaluation procedures .


After concluding the evaluation proceedings the Bidding Company has selected

<<   Process Engineering S.r.l. as the SUCCESSFUL WINNER   >>



Procurement of     =     PACKAGE ONE

constituted  by       =     High Quality Round Section Talcum Rubber Thread , N° 8 Lines with 400 Ends