Our Company PEProcess Engineering worldwide operates and works

A) ON PROJECT BASIS  =  One Enquiry – One Project
Based on the Inquiry of the Client the relevant Project File is opened.
Once the Request of the Customer is duly examined and the Project Specifications are duly defined, the relevant PROPOSAL is prepared. This process involves the preparation of the following documents :

  • Technical Proposal       =   TP
  • Commercial Proposal  =   CP

or an unique document containing

  • The Technical Part of the Supply
  • The Commercial Part of the Supply

When Big Projects are involved, the documents related to the

  • Scope of the Supply of the Seller
  • Scope of the Supply of the Buyer

are prepared, with a clear identification of the items and specification to be performed by the involved Parties.
Each Proposal has its own Code (for example the Proposal for Waste Water Treatment Plant = PE.WW) and a Number for its proper Identification and FIling.

B)   ON PROCESS BASIS = From the “Design Brief” to the “Start-Up” phase

Once the Request of the Customer is received and the relevant Project Fileopened, the Working Process on the Project starts.
In this step there is the check, the planning and the evaluation of the various Phases of the Supply , mainly formed by:

Design Brief: to define the BOM, the TP, the CP in accordance with the MR, Material Requisition, and with the Project Specifications;

Drafting of the B.O.M.
: the Bill of Material  i.e. the List of the Supply/Job ;

Planning of the Supply
:  the Time Schedule of the Supply;

Detailed Engineering
: if required and/or necessary in Function of the Type of the Project / Supply ;

Construction & Execution: Purchase of the Materials as per BOM and Specifications – Construction – Packaging ;

Controls of the Supply : Project Controls – Certifications – Inspection of Materials – Inspection during Manufacturing.

In case the Customer requires specifically and/or in case it is necessary for the Good Execution of the SUPPLY/PROJECT, there may be other Phases of the Job, such as:

to Assembling: our technicians – the << PE Team >> – go on the plant, “on-site”, to supervise and coordinate the assembling of the ITEMS of our Supply/Order;

and Commissioning: once the Supervision to Assembling has been completed, our technicians – the << PE Team >> – help the technicians of the Client during the Start-Up of the Plant and/or of the ITEMS supplied by PE

E)  IN A NET = One Net always ready for your Projects,Plants,Consumables

When PEProcess Engineering moves does not move alone but involves all the Industrial Partners of PE so to cover all the needs of the Project / Supply / Order :

– from detailed engineering to electrical engineering

– from the Heat Exchangers to the Industrial Belts

– from the Piping (Pipes) to the Boilers

– from the Mehanical Part to the Instrumentation

– from Special Equipment to Process Equipment built on drawing

– from the Plant Utilities to the Automation (PLC)

– from carpentry to ATEX and/or ASME certifications


Dealing with PE means :

  • speak with the best reality of the Made in Italy , ISO certificated
  • get a preferential access to a Technology Network with High

– Skills,

– Productivity,

– Professional Competences

  • have a Network – the << PE Network >> – that can satisfy all the Needs of the Supply / Plant .
C) ON JOB BASIS  =  One Project – One Supply – One Job

When the negotiation is success full , the Project becomes a SUPPLY .
The relevant SUPPLY file is opened and the JOB ORDER has the correspondent number of the the PROPOSAL for which the relevant order has been negotiated.

Our procedure considers to include in the File of the Supply all the documents related to the Job Order, such as :

  • Technical Specifications
  • Client Order or Purchase Order, PO
  • Orders to the Suppliers
  • Certificates of Materials
  •  Controls in Construction
  • Controls before Shipping / Delivery
  • Shipping Documents
  •  Manuals
  • Installation Procedures

In case the Customer/Client requires the Supervision to Assembling, we will proceed to open the Books for the Assembling Supervision and, in particular, one Book for Each Activity Supervised by our technicians.

D)  IN NETWORK  =  Industrial Partners – More than “suppliers”

The Supply execution is done by PEProcess Engineering in close cooperation and collaboration with Suppliers that, rather than being mere suppliers of Goods and/or Services, are Our Industrial Partners .

Selected on the basis of their competences and of their construction capabilities, the Industrial Partners of PE are subject to various arrangements and agreements, such as :

  • Cooperation = the Industrial Partners of PE actively collaborate with PE in each phase of the Project
  • Exclusivity  =  Our Industrial Partners work only for/and with PE to the extent of their expertise
  • Non Compete Agreement = the Industrial Partners of PE do not compete with PE and vice versa.

PE – Process Engineering and his Industrial Partners constitute this network of Companies:

the  <<PE Network >> , the PE Net.