The Knowledge Based Activities

include the

•  Design & Engineering, basic and detailed

•  Know-How of Processes

•  Preparation of Pre-feasibility study for industrial projects

•  BPA – Business Plan Analysis

•  Technical Services

BPA – Business Plan Analysis

The preparation of a complete Technical and Financial Evaluation, the BPA – Business Plan Analysis,  regarding the Industrial Project required by the Client.


After the choice of the Process and the Plant that satisfy the Client’s expectation ans specification, the first step is the calculation of the

> Total Value of the Investment


The second step is the calculation of the

> Financial Impact

formed by

> Economical Results

> Cash Flows

for the Project Under Study.


The final part is the

> Investment Evaluation

with the calculation of specific parameters such as

IRR  = Internal Rate of Return   ,

NPV = Net Present Value           ,

EVA = Economic Value Addedd.

Technical Services

The On-site Technical Services the Company can provide include

•  supervision : supervision to plant assembling

•  start-up         : plant test run

•  plant trial     : trial production of plant

•  training         : operators training on-site

regarding the Supply of Equipment, Industrial Packages, Process SKID and Plants executed by PE – Process Engineering.

Furthermore, the Company provides Consultancies Services for

  • Industrial Processes
  • Industrial Applications

regarding the Chemical Process Engineering, the Process Plants and the Industrial Packages in general.