High Efficiency Degasing Pack
Jokingly referred to as BB – Big Billy, the DP – hSP is an High Efficient
Degasing Pack – Big Diameter
for Degasing Towers and Vapour Sytems Treatment
Purposely designed for
- the Tower of the Degasing Tanks
- the Top Tank of the Degasing Tanks
The Degasing Pack DP – hSP is applied in
any steam cycle
where it is necessary to degass and / or strip the air
Water Degasing
Usually inside the Top Tank of a Degasing Tank you may have :
- Cups
- Trays
for the Degasing of Process Water . The Process Water is the one used in the process – i.e. in the Process Production Plant – that is recovered and sent-back to the Rankine Cycle – either simple or complex – and/or to the Cogeneration Cycles to produce Vapor and/or Energy.
The water is sent to top of the Tower and splashes against the Vapor , that is sent by counterflow from the bottom of the Tank .
The aim of this operation – a process step – is t :
► clean the water
► degas the process water ,
so to
► avoid any damage to the turbines
► get Degassed Steam
Increase of the Efficiency
The use of Big Billy – our Degasing Pack – enables to :
- Increase the Mass Transfer Exchange Areas ATOT
- Increase the efficiency of the process/operation η
- Reduce the Operating Cost for the Operation of Degasing
Decrease of the Degasing Cost
Close Cycles
Combined Cycles
Cogeneration Cycles
Considering the application , the use our structured packing
hSP – helier 4”
with the following properties:
► a high Specific Area
(ASPEC = m2/m3 )► Very Low Specific Pressure Drops
no engulfing
as per
the experimental data reported in the helier Book
whose values have been obtained through the experimental research carried out by the University of Pisa by the Equipe under the coordination Prof Nardini, Prof Paglianti and Dott.ssa Brunazzi.
One Pack / One Application - ad Hoc Design
The BB – Big Billy Degasing Pack is designed, engineered , built and supplied to be inserted inside a Degasing Tower whose specifications , such as :
- Internal dimensions
- Inner net heigt
- Internal Diameter Available
- Working conditions , in terms of Temperature (T in °C) and Pressure (P in bar )
are given by the Client and/or by the Plant Operator.
EACH Big Billy is UNIQUE and Big Billy is an “ad Hoc” Product that must be :
► designed
► engineered
► sized
case by case, so to optimize the performance of each Degasing Tank and of each Degasing Tower / Top Tower.
BB – Big Billy : Materials and Product Data Sheet
Considering the usual specifications applied in the Degasing operation , the Degasing Pack BB – Big Billy is built using suitable materials .
For this Application we have chosen / proposed to the following MATERIALS :
- Structural Part = SS AISI
- Internals = PPS
Hereby we report the Product Data Sheet of the Degasing Pack we have designed , built and supplied . The Main TECHNICAL PROPERTIES are reported .
Steel Internals - since 2019
Since 2019
Steel Internals
for the manugacturing of structured packing
hSP – helier 4”